Naoki Fuku performansza az Art Market Budapesten / G404 | Naoki Fuku | Léna & Roselli Galéria

megnyitó | 2018. október 13. 18:00

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cím | Budapest, Kis Rókus u. 16, 1024 / Millenáris Park


Arashizuka, Performance by Naoki Fuku

Naoki Fuku is a Japanese artist, born in Tokyo. After his studies, he moved to London where he started to focus on his artistic career. Naoki Fuku now lives and works in Switzerland and Germany. His oeuvre consists of object works, paintings, installations & performances which often take a mixed view on social, political, cultural and personal issues in both systematic as well as poetic ways.

The Performance "Arashizuka"(study of human mind), **Arashi (嵐) means storm, shizuka (静か) means quiet in Japanese**, is performed with a live musciain inspiring Naoki Fuku to express the moment of human mind. The resulting portraits, expressive and almost aggressive, underline an inherent feeling of solitude, despair, grief and anger but at the same time represent a position of hope and calm.
“.. coming from my background, I am aware how making art has saved me. I find hope in knowing others can be saved too.”
The instantaneous effect of black ink on canvas, compounded by splashing and often physically molesting the canvas allows the artist to represent a diversity of emotions. The series compose a search for Naoki’s own identity, trying to grasp it and feel how it is to have one. The resulting confrontation with human identity results in striking depictions of mental confusions and inner convulsions.

The artist's work has been exhibited at galleries, museums and alternative venues in the Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, England, France, Austria, Hungary, Spain, USA, Belgium, Brazil, Japan and Russia.


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